The pandemic has thwarted schedules, upended our goals and plans, and seemingly altered daily life for the foreseeable future. We all know this: one year into living through COVID-19, we continue to feel the impact of the pandemic as we do our best to move forward. Perhaps no group has felt this change as acutely […]
At-Home and Off-Screen Learning Exercises for Students with Special Needs
As stores and restaurants slowly start to reopen, we at The Phoenix Center know there is still a long road ahead of us before the world returns to anything resembling “normal.” Part of continuing to social distance means learning at home, and we know that a lot of this education often happens online — a […]
Tips for Parents Helping Teach Children with Special Needs at Home During COVID
Now, as this pandemic has asked parents and families to play a more active, at-home role in their children’s daily education, we as a school would like to step up and offer them some tips and resources to help not only their children but also themselves.
Celebrating National Autism Awareness Month
April is National Autism Awareness Month, and on April 2nd, the global community celebrated the twelfth annual World Autism Awareness Day. Per Autism Speaks, international monuments, buildings, and homes will be lit with the iconic light blue hue in recognition of those living with autism. But while the world celebrates and shines a light on […]
Quick Tips: Preparing Your Child for a Haircut
Haircuts can be stressful for anyone: you want to stick to your regular barber or hairdresser, you worry it won’t come out looking like your last one, and you jokingly hope your ear won’t get snipped. These worries are, in a way, not so different from the anxieties a child with special needs may experience, […]