The Phoenix Center is pleased to announce that it was awarded a grant from Investors Foundation to purchase and install a much-needed SMART Board for a classroom serving students ages 9-13. Our integrative technology program has been proudly supported by Investors Foundation for the second year in a row. ‘’Interactive technology allows us to more effectively engage our […]
Nina Del Rio from 106.7 Asks About Distance Learning
Julie Mower appears on “Get Connected” with Nina Del Rio to discuss distance Learning. Listen here:
At-Home and Off-Screen Learning Exercises for Students with Special Needs
As stores and restaurants slowly start to reopen, we at The Phoenix Center know there is still a long road ahead of us before the world returns to anything resembling “normal.” Part of continuing to social distance means learning at home, and we know that a lot of this education often happens online — a […]
TPC Essex News Daily Distance Learning Feature
Local media outlet, Essex News Daily, features The Phoenix Center in an article on distance learning. Read more by following this link:
Tips for Parents Helping Teach Children with Special Needs at Home During COVID
Now, as this pandemic has asked parents and families to play a more active, at-home role in their children’s daily education, we as a school would like to step up and offer them some tips and resources to help not only their children but also themselves.