The relaxed pace of summertime and the warm weather provide wonderful opportunities for children to get increased sensory input through activities they enjoy.  However, many children with special needs thrive on consistency, routines and structure, making summer a challenging time.  The key to avoiding stressful situations in the summer is planning and preparation.  Below […]

Communication allows us to make contact with other people, establish relationships, express our personality, demonstrate and share our knowledge, ensure that our needs are met and our wishes are considered.  Individuals with special needs often experience difficulties with communication and rely on assistance from others as well as visual supports, and augmentative and alternative communication […]

Although Halloween can be an exciting time for many, it can be a frightening time for kids with sensory processing issues, especially those with special needs.  The novelty of the holiday and unexpected factors can lead to anxiety.  Keeping routines as normal as possible is helpful. Costumes can be irritating and wearing masks or make-up […]

The morning can be the hardest part of the day. Not only do you (the often exhausted parent) have to get yourself up and ready, you have to get your child up, dressed, fed, prepared for the day and out the door when the bus arrives. Establishing a morning routine is essential to achieve success. […]