Leisure activities like going to the movies or a baseball game are supposed to be fun for the whole family.  However, for an individual with special needs, these activities can be overwhelming at times. In addition, they can be unnerving for parents due to the many “what if’s.”  While some venues may be inappropriate, there […]

Although winter is clearly still here, now is the right time to be registering your child for summer camp! While the Phoenix Center offers an extended school year program (ESY) for the month of July, August is often a difficult time for many of our families.  Downtime without much structure often presents challenges for many […]

Winter dressing can be a challenge for many of our students with sensory sensitivities.  Clothing can provide varied levels of sensory input.  Some students may prefer the feeling of heavy clothing that is loose, while others may prefer lightweight clothing that is tight.  Some children will not like wearing a hood; however, they may wear […]

The Phoenix Center’s Stress Savers The holidays can be a wonderful time of the year; however, they can also be extremely stressful. As parent/caregivers of children with special needs, you often face unique challenges during the holiday season. The lights, sounds, and smells combined with the typical hustle and bustle can be overwhelming. Without structure […]