Legally Preparing for Transition to Adult Life

On Thursday, May 17th  we hosted a presentation on “Legally Preparing for Transition to Adult Life”

presented by Maria Fischer, Esq. at Hinkle, Fingles, Prior & Fischer,  Attorneys at Law specializing in Disability Law.  Families with children with special needs have incremental issues to worry about when their children “age out” and their educational entitlements end.  In order to be prepared-both financially and legally, we hosted this free workshop for family and friends of The Phoenix Center.

There are many different facets of the transition that disability law attorney Maria Fischer, Esq. from well known law firm Hinkles, Fingles, Prior and Fischer discussed.
This included, but was not limited to:
  • Medicaid
  • SSI (supplemental services income)
  • Services available from the Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Guardianship
Maria Fischer, Esq. is personally committed to the field of disability law. The mother of an adult daughter with multiple disabilities, Maria’s legal work focuses on guardianship, estate planning, and helping families of adults with disabilities access and retain appropriate services.  To contact Maria, you can email her here.