While the spirit of giving is old as time itself, Giving Tuesday is a relatively new concept. Celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this global day of giving back started in 2012, which means this year marks its tenth anniversary. For many not-for-profits and altruistically minded organizations, Giving Tuesday plays a major role in their ability to continue their programming and serve the communities that depend on their work.
As a not-for-profit organization, The Phoenix Center counts on Giving Tuesday to help support programs that are not funded by sending school districts’ tuition dollars.
As our school grows, so does our promise to serve our students, each with specific needs. We proudly educate students from about 60 school districts in eight counties; we have 11 treatment rooms, 15 classrooms, and highly trained, professional staff. Our success is in our numbers: we have been making an impact for more than 30 years, and 38% of our dedicated staff have been here for at least a full decade, in many cases much longer. Families choose The Phoenix Center again and again because we prioritize preparation for life beyond the classroom: we offer community-based instruction, job coaching services, and post-secondary schooling support. These efforts are realized through our unique programs, which Giving Tuesday helps to fund.
Some highlights of the TPC program include:
- Up-to-date technology. Chromebooks and iPads are important in a student’s academic success, and donations fund these tablets plus the cost of updating our SMARTBoards.
- Extracurricular activities. So much of learning happens outside the classroom, and Giving Tuesday helps us to continue our horseback riding, yoga, gymnastics, and bowling programs.
- Supported Employment. This program partners our students with local businesses to give them hands-on employment experiences.
- Horticulture. In our effort to improve culinary mindfulness, students now tend to plants and grow the herbs and vegetables they eat to instill life-long healthy habits.
- Family funds. The Phoenix Center has an emergency relief fund that enables us to assist when families face emergencies and need help.
All of these programs greatly enhance the student experience and improve family satisfaction. TPC has always been community-minded, and we are most grateful for how our community comes together year after year to empower our school to be the best version of itself. Thank you as always for your generosity, and whenever you’re on campus, we’d love to show you around and demonstrate how your funds are helping our school community.
Support The Phoenix Center by donating HERE today.
To consult your gift, please call or email, Carolyn Sharaway, Development Officer, with questions at 973.542.0743, ext. 403 or csharaway@thephoenixcenternj.org.